sábado, 25 de junio de 2011

My good fellow.

Perdonadme el liricismo de esta entrada, pero me voy a dejar llevar por los sentimientos.

Nunca es fácil decir adiós, menos cuando se trata de alguien que se muere, máxime cuando ese alguien se ha dedicado toda su entera vida a los demás.

Él era amable, siempre dispuesto a escuchar todo lo que tuvieras que decir. Me acompañó y apoyó desde el principio de esta aventura en Inglaterra. Era una de esos, además, al que fácilmente le podáis contar cualquier cosa, sabía guardar los silencios adecuados. No era fácil sacarle las palabras, sobre todo últimamente, cuando el final estaba cerca.

Pero la vida se le fue apagando poco a poco, se fue consumiendo y su cuerpo está como vacío, hueco por dentro. ¡Cuán paradójica la vida! Ahora parece mentira que de ese trozo inerte de materia alguna vez hubiera salido de vida, ganas de vivir, de escribir su propia historia de su vida (muchas y muchas páginas, me temo)...

Siempre nos cuesta más asumir este tipo de tragedias cuando además se trata de alguien joven. Él no tenía un año de edad, y sin embargo ya tenía más de una cicatriz de la vida, pero él nunca se quejó de ello.

Solo puedo decir que tuvo una vida digna, que puede que conozca otros ya que el mar está lleno de peces según me cuentan, pero nada ni nadie va a reemplazarle.

Hasta el final dio sus últimos coletazos.

Mi ajado amigo era donante de órganos y dejará que su capuchón lo use quién más lo necesite, pero él no aceptó una transfusión. Dijo con una resignación absoluta propia de un héroe que había llegado su hora.

No, a éste no le tiraré por el váter como a mi último buen querido amigo.

Además, tengo la regla.


miércoles, 22 de junio de 2011

Llevo tanga.

¡Hola chicos!

¿Cómo os va esa española vida? 

Hoy ha venido la Queen (no, no el que está muerto) of England a Alnwick, que si le preguntáis a la Su no la conoce por el nombre pero sí por 'la que le pega al drinking' (palabras textuales suyas). Bueno, el caso es que Eli y yo nos hemos cruzado por la calle y no me ha reconocido, lo cual sorprendió a propios y a extraños. 

Entre la boda de Guille y esto, estoy más metida en la monarquía inglesa de lo que yo me creía. Pero no os creías que aquí el tema de la monarquía no lleva consigo la polémica, por ejemplo hoy el populacho no paraba de discutir abiertamente del tema de si su vestido era morado (derechas) o rosa (izquierdas), incluso alguno decía que rosa-morado (centro). 

A ver si este fin de semana hace bueno y me voy a algún lado a dar una vuelta. Os mantendré informados.

Ya me quedan aquí solo unas cuatro semanas y le he dicho ya a la familia que no volvería en Septiembre, y eso que todavía le estoy dando vueltas al asunto y me da una pena terrible despedirme de los niños pero creo que es lo mejor. Si vuelvo acabaré saturándome, y debería ir a clases de inglés que aquí no hay y quizá vivir otra experiencia, aunque ésta no haya sido mala, no tengo por qué quedarme aquí. Mi madre no lo entiende, jeje.

Así que, meu habib, lo que nos deparará el futuro quién lo sabe.


domingo, 5 de junio de 2011

Banda Sonora de Nuestra Vida.

Esto es un recuento de todas las canciones que hemos cantado (o lo intentamos) en el tiempo en el que Andreia estuvo en este preciso lugar haciéndome tan grata compañía. Ella era mi Heidi y yo su paralítica Clara, me enseñó a dar los primeros pasos y se marchó. ¡Gracias, mi iluminada amiga! 

En esas cinco espléndidas semanas que tuvimos de apasionado romance se nos vino a la mente, o cantamos, o escuchamos o simplemente pensamos estas canciones (es imposible ponerlas todas, y a día de hoy todavía se me ocurren nuevas, y aún así me han salido más de 100 jeje): 

1. Bohemian Rhapsody. Queen. Hay que reconocer que la única parte que cantamos era 'Mama, oooh'. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPnp8AvxidU
2. I Want to Break Free. Queen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgQaa_B6ATI
3. Something Stupid. Frank & Nancy Sinatra. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOiTv4MqK8M
4. What a Wonderful World. Louis Amstrong. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3yCcXgbKrE
6. You're Beautiful. James Blunt. Versión en portugués not found. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nX1VeFBo9AQ
7. A Horse With No Name. America. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iiDp6ga_qQ
8. Alfonsina y el mar. Mercedes Sosa. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAMdTdgSNh4&feature=related
9. Without You. Harry Nilsson. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvxT7rRA2fI And the original of Badfinger: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyBS_1vGwpU
10. The Final Countdown. Europe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcJ-wNmazHQ
11. Paint it Black. Rolling Stone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Egt1Hq4wpE
12. The Bittersweet Simphony. The Verve. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ooF4v6dpDI
13. Spanish Bombs. The Clash. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofgO_sqkPFQ
14. Your Song. Elthon John. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13GD78Bmo8s
15. Who the Fuck is Alice. The Steppers. http://youtu.be/CsrfovOPcjk And the original of New World: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QOiulB25XQ
16. Yesterday. The Beatles. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3RdqTCv_iw
17. I Wanna Hold Your Hand. The Beatles. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pygvbo3ZAxw
18. Rock Around the Clock. Bill Halley and His Comets. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5fsqYctXgM
19. Stand By Me. Ben E. King. http://youtu.be/hmGQ5SlazJA
20. Caminando por el bosquehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAtcMP5MT-s&NR=1 Balada de un soldado, Mafalda Veiga: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BbZRMKus9k
21. I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing. Aerosmith. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPz5faxQAXQ
22. Imagine. John Lennon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwgKmXLLzT8
23. Is this love. Bob Marley. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZOVQaSVtyA
25. Proud Mary. Creedence Clearwater Revival. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq1roSoMS84
26. Summercat. Billie the Vision and the Dancers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9-dakz2R_o&feature=fvst
27. I'm a Believer. The Monkees. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfuBREMXxts
28. My Heart Will Go on. Celine Dion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BdPDaFXcEo&feature=fvst
29. Everybody. Backstreet Boys. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POq2AznJO1Q
30. Everybody Needs Somebody. The Blues Brothers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCTJeT2i9QU
31. Dos Apeninos aos Andeshttp://youtu.be/Fv5tErSocdg
32. Singing in the Rain. Gene Kelly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7QL46cK7B8
33. Qué será, será. (Whatever Will Be, Will Be). Doris Day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdhAfMor9BM
34. Wonderful Life. Black. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAE3flVjzV4
35. Piano Man. Billy Joel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBC6IVP-C84
36. It's Raining Men. The Weather Girls (oh, en serio no creeríais que era de la Spice Girls esa?). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGLZqDXau98
37. Tears In Heaven. Eric Clapton. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKlcuEdtGVo
39. American Pie. Doc McLean. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6uEjifqTaI
40. Killing Me Softly With His Song. Loli Lieberman. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSYq0sNSAkA
41. Cinderella. Paul Anka. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCusZdsPSf0
42. Downtown. Petula Clark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHNGvEdTwBQ
43. Chan Chan. Compai Segundo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2dFLlaEaIU
44. Down On My Knees. Ayo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpDAgB4R1PI
45. Just The Way You Are. Bruno Mars. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5Q-HNPBUO8
46. I Will Always Love You. Whitney Houston. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9nPf7w7pDI
47. Corazón partío. Alejandro Sanz. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ij8CU8BggY8
48. Amiga mía. Alejandro Sanz. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsG_0PUQh3M
49. I Say A Little Prayer. Aretha Franklin. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STKkWj2WpWM
50. Yellow Submarine. The Beatles. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr2KkRzS8lE
51. Hey Jude. The Beatles. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCazMqCJVMc
52. Staying Alive. The Bee Gees. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcPdzsL0kMQ
53. As Time Goes By. Dooley Wilson. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vThuwa5RZU
54. Sugar, sugar. The Archies. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JywK_5bT8z0
55. Love And Marriage. Frank Sinatra. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwoRMAC461A
56. Every Breath You Take. The Police. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH_YbBHVF4g
57. Just When I Needed You Most. Randy VanWarmer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PC6OJOHGmv8
58. I Will Survive. Gloria Gaynor. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBR2G-iI3-I
59. You're The One That I Want. Grease. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHFbhhi_XVc
60. Wake Me Up When September Ends. Green Day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci5D5r6ZjXA
61. The Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Green Day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_1PMEfUMQI
62. Still Loving You. Scorpions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqCKvUSik-I
63. I'm Your Lady. Celine Dion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbBCUbt_DO4
64. Por tu ausencia. Manzanita. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYbchRFnBBM
65. Eu daria minha vida. Roberto Carlos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5S1zup8D8U
67. La Bamba. Ritchie Valens. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74C_gVCT2wU
69. I Feel Good. James Brown. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgDrJ5Z2rKw
71. This Is The Life. Amy MacDonald. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iSQIjPm-aE
72. The Love Is In The Air. John Paul Young. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wadTCIKrPrw
73. María la portuguesa. Carlos Cano. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prDjXoVpIg0&feature=related
74. Ó gente da minha terra. Mariza.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXFjcvbQoPo.
75Não Posso Adiar o Coração. Linha do frente. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_L_3jI4p6w
77. Povo que lavas no rio. Amália Rodrigues. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqac-VfmflE
78. Me gustas tú. Manu Chao. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzgjiPBCsss
79. Barcelona. Giulia y Los Tellarini. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xho-nrHVeMQ
80. Love Is All Around. Wet wet wet. http://youtu.be/0rs-1ro3Yws
81. The House Of The Rising Sun. The Animals. http://youtu.be/mmdPQp6Jcdk 
82. Nem as paredes confesso. Amália Rodrigues. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPHnk0A_0v
84. Entre dos aguas. Paco de Lucía. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0o8vszqVL2U&NR=1
85. Desaparecido. Manu Chao. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2W4wglPW2c
86. Tengo la camisa negra. Juanes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQN5ZRugVzc
87. A Dios le pido. Juanes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=filvhdzkylo
88. Let it be. The Beatles. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0714IbwC3HA
89. Follow the leader. The Soca Boys. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhG_RMa7yH4
90. Saturday Night. Whigfield. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u31h_rs-B8 
91. Only you. The Platters. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QT-JUj-0bg8
93. The Winner Takes It All. Meryl Streep (ABBA). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFeAsPdE52k&feature=player_embedded
94. Unchained Melody. The Righteous Brothers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrK5u5W8afc
95. Sort Of Revolution. Fink. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMUiZwiBmNg
96. Estou além. António Variaçõeshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mADiz_vn0RQ&feature=related
97. Magic Flute (Queen Of Night). Mozart. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2ODfuMMyss
98. Knocking On Heaven's Door.  Bob Dylan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJpB_AEZf6U
99. Celebration. Kool and the Gang. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvX_5ym_ajI
100. Don't Cry For  Me, Argentina. Evita Perón. http://youtu.be/momQc9J70LQ
102. Dance With My FatherLuther Vandross -. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5MzY1kt2M4
103. Aserejé. Las Ketchup. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XubVpeq4E20
104. Jelous. Junco.
105. Mika. Grace Kelly. http://youtu.be/IHisFtYwf1Y
106. The familia Addams. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFD7KGBUtKI 
107. Chiki Chiki. Rodolfo Chikilicuatre. http://youtu.be/vMFchjOCAFs
108. Ojalá no te hubiera conocido nunca. Muchachito. 
109. Al amanecer. Fresones Rebeldes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mfvhreMLHs

110. If I Had a Hammer. Trini Lopez. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SCt8JPAkgU  
111. Deixame irte ao pito.

sábado, 4 de junio de 2011

The second part of my holy days.

The second day of June, 2011. Destiny: Farne Islands (Seahouses, Northumberland).

08.30. I’m in Alnwick, at 8.45 comes my bus. I’ve found the platform, and the bus has gone for places of Anlnwick that I didn’t know, for instance: a library, and other chapel. I’m trying to tan my arm, because I only have tanned half-hand.

I’m a little bit excited, because transbordar always excites me, ha ha, and Seahouses is very near, and I really want to see it.

08.48. The price of this bus to Seahouses is four point something pounds, me ha dejado seca.  It’s nearly the same price than return to Berwick, but I’m not going to worry about the dirty money, and only for enjoy my day, that just begins.

15.14. Hello! I will resume all these hours in my absence, he, he. I arrived at Seahouses, bought the ticket and I got on the boat, a little bit angry because I had to go inside the boat, and I couldn’t take photographs properly.

(At the end is the Bamburgh Castle.)

We saw the Grey Seals, and I loved them. They're nearly so funny than my Lucky. They would do a good humoristic pair. There were as well babies seal, and well, I love it.

In the boat sometimes smelt like a fishmonger's and the woman sitting beside me, said: "Oh, this smell a fish is creepy". And I toldd her: "Fish? I thought it was yours!". I try to make friends, but that woman didn't want to follow the interesting conversation.

Then, in the island we had the chance to see nearer the birds and the impressive Staple Island. I really loved it.

We saw puffins (smaller than I imagined) and I was mesmerized, and when I realized there was no one more than me there, so I remember when I was small, I went to the zoo with my school, and I was looking the bottom at the monkeys, and my class desappeared. And I didn't want to repeat that experience. So I went on.

(Puffin in the centre, and in the right a cormorant with its baby.)


(Cormorant with eggs.)


a lot of guillemots,

and a lot of birds, he he. And the Staple Island is very rocky (I nearly fall down two or three times):

and with amazing cliffs:

And for return, I was cheeky trying to go on board, but it was failed, but I saw a little gap and I sat there. So good, the breeze in my face, the water, the open sea, the birds, the smell and the sound…

(There is a head's seal in the sea.)

But the boat didn’t stop in the same islands than before, so I didn’t take so many photos.

And then, I bought some things (postcards, magnets, thimbles) but I didn’t steal nothing this time, because the prices were reasonable, but yes, I was attempted… Especially with a stuffed seal.

And then, I took the bus to Berwick at 5.20 pounds (oh my good), I don’t understand these crazy fares, but nothing is going to spoilt my brilliant holidays in Northumberland, ha ha.

Now, I am in the same bench than the other time, facing the Old Bridge, it’s very sunny and I really want a little bit of relax. The impressive Bridge, the sound of the water crashing with the shore, the birds and the gentle breeze. I really like this place. And I took off my shoes, ate my last sandwich, put my sight in the horizon and I thought: This moment is mine, and only mine, ha ha.

I’m going to take the bus at 17.00 (better is don’t think in the fare, ha ha) and it is direct to my Short Countryside. Today I didn’t do lots of exercise, and I don’t feel tired, but neither I feel able to walk three miles, yes, I prefer pay these crazy fares.

(From now, you will be the ugly friend.)

With friend never minded. By the way, I have in my head one song of Radiohead: I’m a creep, I’m a weirdo, what the hell am I doing here, I don’t belong here. Good. Don’t interrupt me in one space of time (rato). Bye.

16.40. I’m sitting in the bus stop and I wanted to take a photo of the Town Hall since the Bridge, but I think there are very little pedestrian crossing here, and I have staked my life so many times already.

Next day: South Shields (Newcastle).

14.22. This morning when the alarm clock rang, I was very near to follow sleeping, but then I remembered that this is the last sunny day, and then Saturday and Sunday I will be in house. So, surprising myself, I got up and went to Newcastle.

I had thought read the guide in the bus, because yesterday I was tired, but in the bus I didn’t want, only looking through the window. So I arrived without idea about what to do along the day. And I began to walk, looking for a place to eat my sandwich, and by chance I saw one bus that put: ‘South Shields’, the place I was looking to go, and then I took the bus, and after one hour, I arrived here, and there were a street market, but unfortunately it was closing, and it was very...


And the main street with a train in the middle:

In the street one band was playing ‘Qué viva España’ (only the tune, without lyrics). And one seagull threw away glasses in a bar of restaurant and it ate the remains, ha ha.

And now, I’m in the beach of South Shields. On my left there are some archaeological reminds and maybe they are a little bit far, but I’m going to try arrive until there. Now, I’m resting, he, he.

Some estrange sculptures:

18.10. In half an hour goes my bus, and I am near of Haymarket Station. I've lost myself in South Shields trying to approach to this reminds roman,

but I couldn't. Suddenly I was in the main road very near the bus stop. And then I sat and ate a bar of Milka, and then I was to the bus stop, and the next bus to Newcastle arrived in three or four minutes, so I was very lucky, he, he. 

And I wish I was special, you’re so fucking special. No, and then I’ve just arrived here, I can go for a walk, but I am a little bit tired, and surely I will return other day, and I will do the things I want to do. By the way, I couldn’t go to the archaeological reminds. I think they are in the North Shields, so I couldn’t reach them. Damn it.
(I'm not of the same opinion.)

Please, correct my mistakes without mercy.

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011

The last day of May, 2011. Berwick.

Pues eso, ayer fui a Berwick (no lejos de aquí, una hora más o menos en bus) y me llevé un cuaderno e hice algunos apuntes en inglés (por practicar con alguien). No los escribí pensando en ponerlos aquí, pero... Perdonad mi inglés y corregidme si lo veis necesario.

The last day of May, 2011.

I have come to Berwick on my own, well, to be honest, by bus; and I’m excited. All the things are new and beautiful to my eyes. And I did it. I took a bus and I have come here alone, but I feel a little bit of sorrow, remembering my friend Andreia. Well, it’s not sorrow, because when I remember her, one smile appears in my face without asking permission.

Now, I’ve arrived to Berwick, and I’ve been walking along the river Tweed, and I've seen its bridges. Now, I’m sitting in front of the Old Bridge. I think, it’s only for train, and it’s big and impressive. I love it.

I’ve found in my way a wall, and then a bench to sit and well, what better place to eat my lunch? So, we speak later. Bye.

PD: Only it’s 11.20, but I’m hungry and free!!!

12.23. Now, I’m in front of beach, and I have returned to walk in the mud. I haven’t seen the town yet, only the surroundings, and the core I leave it for the end.

Now, now, I’m resting a little in one shadowy bench facing at the lighthouse (we learnt that bloody word). I’m going to follow my way when my legs say that is the moment. It’s a sunny day, a little bit cloudy and windy. So… Perfect.

13.14. Without having it programmed, I always write each hour. Well, I’ve gone to the lighthouse, and it’s very beautiful but there are plenty of mosquitoes (nice word, isn’t it? He he).  And my legs beg a little bit of relax, because the tendinitis is appearing, but it’s normal, two weeks ago I didn’t do any exercise, and suddenly…

I’m thinking that these travels only take one day, so I can do them in weekends, instead being in house doing nothing. And this way I will do a little bit of exercise, although only it is one day a week, he he.

I’m going to eat my last sandwich, only for ‘make’ time until relaxing a little more, and then I will try to go to the town centre and go to the tourist information.

13.56. Wow, in my way I’ve found the Ramparts of Elizabeth One (the original) and well, I have to stop each little time, because my leg hurts, and I know it, and I know is better stop now than follow.

I like so much find the things by chance. Like this. Well, I’m going to follow a little more, but don’t worry because you will see me early. See you soon.

14.43. I follow in Ramparts, and I’ve seen the Parish Church (outside) and the graves. The Parish Church was opened, but I didn’t come in.

(Que levante la mano al que le guste gozar.)

My horny camera says that it has low battery. In fact, I think I’ve taken a lot of photos, and the most of them are crap or very repetitive or similar. But it’s one of my favorite moments, when I come back home and I watch the photos, and then, they will be there, for my memories. My first travel alone, without Andreia. Well, we can consider London like I went alone as well. I leave there the debate, over the table, ha ha, qué guasa.

The day is crazy, suddenly a lot of sun, suddenly cold. I’m making crazy my coat: ‘Do you love me or not? -told me a little bit angry-, don’t play with my feelings’, it said. Caralho.

I’m going to follow, and I think there isn’t long path yet, and in brief I will be in the core of Berwick, and then we will see each other. Ta-ta for now!

15.06. Oh! Now I’m remembering my travel notebook, I didn’t bring it. Well, now I’m sitting in the bus stop where the bus dropped me off, because it was raining a little. I’ve been round the town and now I’m going to know the centre (yes, I do), and first I’m going to check de schedules in the bus stop in front of this. It has stopped to raining, in my heart hasn’t stopped, well, or this would say Maná, ha ha.

Well, this little stop is good for me, because the tendinitis is hurting. Looking the positive, this night I’m going to sleep at one thousand marvels, he he. See u!

15.40. It’s raining again, so I’m under the Town Hall. I’ve visited several gift shops and one Christian shop (by mistake, sure), and when the rain stops I will go to the tourist information (I know where it is) and I will buy some postcards, and it’s possible as well some magnets and thimbles. And as well, some to eat.

It follows raining, and I don’t want to sit myself in the ground, but well, I also relax being stood up, or I think so. Bye.

16.50. I’m in the bus stop with 20 minutes in advance, but with tension because I nearly don’t find the street, ha ha. I was up the street, and well, for a moment or two, I didn’t know where to go, but I oriented myself thanks to the Town Hall. The next bus would be at 19.00, and well, this time is ideal, because I’ve seen more or less all important things and I haven’t bored or got fed up, but until 19.00, it is very probable that this happened. So, now, I really want to take the bus and relax that hour, yey. And eat my junk food, ha ha.

I’ve bought some chocolates, and more junk food, and well… I’ve stolen a thimble for my poor mum. It cost 2.79 pounds and it was too much, and I did it, ha ha! I never steal, but the last one it was also in a gift shop, I think it was a magnet. I feel young!

In the tourist information the thimble cost 4.99 pounds, that is very expensive. And I took some leaflets of places to go, and in other shop I’ve bought four postcards (one pound) and I’ve given her all my coins, ha ha. I feel fresh!

18.00. Now, we are in Alnwick, sitting in the bus. The drivers are changing. Today I spent 5.50 pounds in the bus, 1 pound in postcards, and two or three in the supermarket. So, barely 10 pounds. Good! I think it’s little. I had taken 40 pounds (you never know, ha, ha). So ten pounds are very fine, for a fantastic day in Berwick. I liked so much and see the town is very intuitive, and well: all the green, the beach, the bridges, the roofs, the buildings… I enjoyed so much.